The existentialism of Hydro Thunder
I don't know about you, but personally I love philosophical ramblings about video games. We spend so much time talking about high def graphics and multiplayer teabagging and flaming each other about whether Bioshock looks ever so lightly better on the 360 or the PS3. But what about the deeper truths? What about the soul?
Well Richard Clark at Kill Screen has turned his minds eye upon the churning waters of Hydro Thunder Hurricane, and has mined hidden veins of meaning that even I didn't know were there.
In Hydro Thunder Hurricane, as with most videogames, we're never really dead. On the contrary, all human frailty is cast off in exchange for the pure power and mechanical nature of the speedboat. We no longer need to sleep. We don't even need to slow down. If the game has a brake button, it is the rare player who is actually aware of it. There are only two speeds: boosting and not boosting.
Hydro Thunder Hurricane portrays speed in such a way that it seems like a defensive and necessary response to the world.
To be honest, all I heard was "blah blah blah Hydro Thunder is totally awesome blah blah." But I appreciate the love.
Actually, seriously, I got a kick out of this article, and I highly recommend it. It's amusing, and actually really well written. Thanks, Richard! I'll remember you next time I'm lying awake at night thinking about the ontology of boost.