Your Egg-cellent Art Could Be in Beach Buggy Racing 2!

Spring has hatched, and the next update of Beach Buggy Racing 2 will feature our egg-stra special annual Egg Hunt! Every year, we scramble to hide decorated eggs throughout our game levels, and players who discover these hidden treasures crack open fantastic prizes like gems, coins, and car accessories.

This year, we're taking it to the next level with an egg-cellent twist: instead of hiding prize-packed eggs decorated with boring old stripes, we're calling on our creative community to help us create truly egg-ceptional designs!

That's right, it's time for an Egg Decorating Contest!

If your design is selected by our panel of eggsperts, we'll include your actual artwork on one of our hidden eggs. Your original artwork could appear in a Beach Buggy Racing level, making you the toast of the gaming community!

The Challenge

Submit your egg decoration as a 2x1 rectangular image -- that's 2 wide by 1 high — that can be wrapped around an egg:


You must submit your artwork as a 2x1 rectangular sticker, which we can use as a texture to wrap around the outside of the egg. Here are some more examples:

Your design will be wrapped around the egg like this:

(Please do not submit an illustration of a decorated egg — unfortunately we won’t be able to use those.)

More tips

Use solid colors across the top and bottom of your image. The color you have at the top will cap the top of the egg, and the color at the bottom will cap the bottom of the egg.

Our preference is for brightly colored digital art created in a paint program on a computer or a phone, but if you're going to draw it out on paper, that's OK -- just make sure you take a clear, well-lit picture of the result, from a head-on camera angle.

If you want, you can download this template with all the instructions in one place. Or print it out and draw your design in the box up top!



Grand Prize winners

The top 3 winning designs will be guaranteed placement in our Beach Buggy Racing 2 Egg Hunt. (We will adapt the artwork as needed to fit with our game's art direction.)

In addition to eternal BBR fame, the winners will also get:

  • 1 free code to unlock a car in the game

  • 100 gems

  • Body shop art pack with special decals and accessories

Runners up

In addition, we will select a TBD number of Runners Up prizes—the number depends on how many entries we get. These designs will also be included in the Egg Hunt. (We will adapt the artwork as needed to fit with our game's art direction.)

The Runners Up will also get:

  • 100 gems

  • Body Shop art pack with special decals and accessories


  • One (1) entry per person

  • Your entry must be your own work. Either something you drew or created yourself, or something you generated yourself from an AI image generator. You may not submit artwork created or generated by other people.

  • Contest ends Monday, March 24, 2025 at 10 a.m. PDT. Be sure to send us your entry before that time or it won’t be counted!

  • Winners will be announced on or before Friday, March 28, 2025

  • Submit your entry one of these ways:

    • X @vectorunit, with hashtag #BBR2EggContest

    • Instagram @vectorunit, with hashtag #BBR2EggContest

    • Post on Discord #egg-contest and mention #BBR2EggContest

    • Email to with the subject line:  “BBR2 Egg Contest”

  • Include your BBR2 user name with your entry

  • By submitting your entry for the contest, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

    • You confirm that this doesn't infringe on any third-party rights.

    • You grant Vector Unit perpetual, worldwide rights to use, modify, and display your submission.

    • You agree to your entry and BBR2 user name being posted in/on our website, fan art gallery, social media channels, email newsletter, office walls, bulletin board, refrigerator, etc.

    • You agree that your concept may or may not be used in the game.

    • You understand that you will receive no compensation for your submission, apart from the above-mentioned prizes if you are selected for one of the prizes.

    • You understand that submissions containing inappropriate or offensive content will be disqualified

    • Do not submit ideas based on established IP. (eg., do not submit images that look like Mario or Mickey Mouse.)

    • You warrant that you are eligible to participate in your jurisdiction of residence

  • If you are under 13, your parent or guardian must copy the consent form below and email it to


Children under 13 require parental/caregiver consent to participate.

Parents/caregivers: paste this (and fill in the brackets) into your email:

I, [fill in your name here], as the parent or legal guardian of [child’s name here], give my permission for them to participate in Vector Unit’s contest. I give my permission for their BBR2 username and artwork to be published as specified in the contest rules. If necessary, I will assist in receiving any prize awarded.

I agree to all terms and conditions mentioned in the contest description. 

[Type full name here in lieu of signature]

[CC parent/caregiver if sent from child’s email address]

Note that names and email addresses will NOT be shared — only BBR2 usernames.

Additional information

  • Winners are selected by Vector Unit employees and associates by vote. Winners are chosen at Vector Unit’s sole discretion based on multiple criteria including artistic merit, style, creativity, sense of humor, storytelling and more.

  • Players who have violated Vector Unit’s Terms of Service may, at Vector Unit’s discretion, be removed from the competition and their prizes forfeit.

  • Vector Unit employees, contractors, and their families are not eligible to participate.