Old Red

Vector Unit is cheering on Bruce Meyers, "Father of the Dune Buggy"

Bruce Meyers, "Father of the (Fiberglass) Dune Buggy", is racing in the General Tire NORRA Mexican 1000, a "four-day, 1,300-plus mile on-and-off-road rally featuring vintage cars and bikes." It finishes today!  You can follow the race at http://www.norra.com/live.

Meyers, 88, first invented Old Red, the original Meyers Manx dune buggy, in 1964.  Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, it is the second vehicle to be placed on the National Historic Vehicle Register after the Cobra Daytona coupe, CSX2287.   

Also cheering for Meyers, the Manx Club will be holding the Big Bear Bash 2014 (and celebrating the 50th Anniversay of the Meyers Manx), July 10-14 in Big Bear Lake, California.  Details can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/334760869998056/ 


For more information on Bruce Meyers, the Race, and the history of the Dune Buggy, check out:

Bruce Meyers to race in 2014 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally

The Father of the Dune Buggy Rides Again

Bruce Meyers, the Meyers Manx and 50 years of unfinished business

This man invented the dune buggy