
Reviews for the HTH Tempest Pack

Reviews for the Tempest Pack, the new downloadable expansion pack for Hydro Thunder Hurricane, have been rolling in.  And the reviews are good.  

Here's what a few reviewers had to say:

Vector Unit have taken the triumph of Hydro Thunder Hurricane and given their fans even more to sink their teeth into, making it an essential purchase.

Console Arcade, 4/5

Over the top racing pitted with challenging maps created a great arena for players to relive and continue to have great memories of Hydrothunder. All of this for just 400 MS points, you can’t go wrong.

Gaming Truth, 4.5/5

The Tempest packs adds quite a lot to the great formula and should keep anyone who buys it bust for quite a few hours. ... If you enjoyed Hydro Thunder Hurricane, then this really is an essential purchase to expend this really enjoyable title....

Game-Smack Ireland, 8/10

All in all, this is a great value for fans of the Hydro Thunder game. The new tracks are great, and if you enjoy player against other players, the X-Boats are a necessity...

- XBLA Fans, "Buy!"