In Part 5 of our Beach Buggy Racing 2 Powerup Guide series, we look at defensive powerups. These are shields and cures and other handy powers that protect you from your opponents’ weapons.
The Shield blocks just about anything that comes at you, except some Driver Abilities.
When looking at a Powerup’s details, you can sometimes see a little icon that looks just like the Shield icon. Any Powerup with that icon will take one Block from your active Shield each time it hits. Powerups that shoot multiple missiles like Dodgeball Fury and Barrage still take one Block per hit, but they won’t crash the car.
When looking at a Powerup’s details, you can sometimes see a little icon that looks just like the Cure icon. Any Powerup with that icon can be Cured. For Hazards like the Chicken Crate or Confusion, this means that the effect is immediately removed. Special Delivery and Big Bang can be cured while the gift box or supernova are floating above your car.
When looking at a Powerup’s details, you can sometimes see a little icon that looks just like the Power Vacuum icon. Any Powerup with that icon will get vacuumed up so that YOU can use it! It lasts until you crash, so make sure to keep an open Powerup slot while it’s active.
Any Projectile or Seeker Powerup (except for EarthStrike) is bounced back toward the racer who fired it. If an opponent is in your sights, but they have an active Trampoline, try to aim a Fireball at a nearby wall. The fire will slow them down, but the Fireball itself won’t come back to bite you. Any Boost Powerup will carry you past them, but with the Angry Bull, you can give ‘em the horns as you speed by. Lastly, no Global Powerups can be bounced back, so fire away!
Instead of stopping Powerup attacks from hitting you, the Jammer stops your opponents from using them at all! On top of that, they can’t steer or use their Character Abilities. You’ll almost always get some value out of this Powerup if a car is in range, but try to use it when there’s a pack surrounding you to make the most of it.
Tesla Coil is a great way to break out of a pack, as anyone nearby is stopped in their tracks for a few seconds. Use it in the last stretch of a race to keep anyone from passing you. If you can, follow this up by dropping a Hazard Powerup right in front of your shocked opponents. Tesla Coil only zaps each racer once, so if they come into range after the shock wears off, don’t expect them to stop again.
With this Powerup, you can safely glide through cars, Cluck-nado Coops, Oil Slicks and Lava Monsters, just to name a few. The only way to crash once you’ve activated Untouchable is to just drive off a cliff yourself. So… don’t do that.