It’s time to take a look at some of the most handy Powerups in Beach Buggy Racing 2: The Globals. These are Powerups that affect lots of other racers in the game. Typically, they get applied to all the racers next to you and in front of you (the racers behind you are mercifully immune.) The one exception is if you are in 1st place, you can give a Global to the player in 2nd place.
Launch all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place) into the air and keep them bouncing like that for several seconds. As you might expect, a good time to use this Powerup is in a cave or corridor with a low ceiling. Better yet, use it just before your opponent gets to the entrance and watch them crash into the wall. If you can activate it while your opponent is on a hill or staircase, the bouncy tires will make it much harder to move forward.
Victim Tip: You have some control in the air, so try to steer yourself back toward the track or into turns.
Lift all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place) into the air and turn their gravity way down for several seconds. Without any rubber on the road, your opponent will just keep floating straight ahead. Obviously, it helps to activate this Powerup while they’re turning. Low ceilings really magnify the effect, but watch out when using this in open spaces. Sometimes a victim can take advantage of the height and shortcut over a chasm or body of water.
Victim Tip: You have some control in the air, so try to steer yourself back toward the track or into turns.
Strap explosives to the back of all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place) causing them to blow up with the slightest jolt. This turns driving into a precarious endeavor, but it doesn’t actually impact a car’s capabilities. As long as the victim is careful they can avoid any difficulties, so it helps to take that option away from them by using it with a Powerup that makes it tough to drive, like Hamster Ball or Earthquake. Only the car with the Dyn-O-Mite blows up when struck, so feel free to ram opponents and leave them in the dust.
Shake all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place) back and forth for several seconds.Even if your opponent isn’t in a debris-strewn section of track or riding the edge of a cliff, the Earthquake is going to make driving rough. You’ll almost always get some value out of this Powerup, but try not to use it while your opponents are bouncing on Big Tires or soaring with Lunar Gravity.
Give all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place) a gift box containing a surprise effect, different for each car. Since you never know what you’ll get from it, it’s a good idea to use it as soon as it’s ready.
Victim Tip: Most effects can be Cured after the gift box opens, but you can prevent the box from opening at all if you’re quick enough.
For all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place), limit vision to a tiny window with a swirling mass of distracting color around it. Even if they know the track backwards and forwards, it’ll be tough to avoid Hazards or collect Powerup bubbles.
Give all opponents ahead (or one behind if you’re in 1st place) yummy donuts in place of their tires, reducing their top speed drastically for a few seconds. It’s especially devastating on hills or in the water. You’ll almost always get some value out of this Powerup, but try not to use it while your opponents are bouncing on Big Tires or soaring with Lunar Gravity.